OUR D-DAY HEROES: in memory of those who lost their lives, and those whose lives were changed forever

If your loved one played their part in the D-Day landings 80 years ago, or if you wish to pay tribute to the Greatest Generation, we are honoured to help you commemorate them. 

Share your D-Day hero’s story with pride; and help today’s heroes in their memory. Whether they served in 1944 or 2024, together we can make sure veterans don't suffer in silence. As a special thank you, everyone who makes a donation will receive a commemorative "My Hero" candle to help you remember your D-Day hero. 

Remember our D-Day Heroes

Nobby Clarke

Stephanie Mellin

My Dad Freddie (Nobby) Clarke was only 19 when he landed on Juno Beach with 48 Royal Marine Commandos, he lost his two Best Friends that Day on the Beach. Years later he went back to a reunion in St Aubin-Sur-Mer which is where Juno Beach was and met a French couple called Albert and Simone where a close friendship was formed for over 30 years with both families visiting each others homes.The photo shows my Father being the last Marine leaving the landing craft. So Proud of my Dad that Day.

Nobby Clarke