OUR D-DAY HEROES: in memory of those who lost their lives, and those whose lives were changed forever

If your loved one played their part in the D-Day landings 80 years ago, or if you wish to pay tribute to the Greatest Generation, we are honoured to help you commemorate them. 

Share your D-Day hero’s story with pride; and help today’s heroes in their memory. Whether they served in 1944 or 2024, together we can make sure veterans don't suffer in silence. As a special thank you, everyone who makes a donation will receive a commemorative "My Hero" candle to help you remember your D-Day hero. 

Remember our D-Day Heroes

My Uncles


My 3 Uncles (my Dads elders brothers) were off, above & on the beaches on 06/06. No 1 was RN Minesweepers clearing the lanes as part of Op Neptune quietly in the days prior & was then at it for rest of June. Had already done a few white convoys runs over the north cape since 42. Uncle No 2 was RAF in a MkIX Spit on CAP over the beaches on the 6th. Uncle No 3 was 45 RM & in the lead assault waves on Sword with 1st SS Bde, before having a bimble down to Pegasus Bridge with Lovatt & Bill Millin.