OUR D-DAY HEROES: in memory of those who lost their lives, and those whose lives were changed forever

If your loved one played their part in the D-Day landings 80 years ago, or if you wish to pay tribute to the Greatest Generation, we are honoured to help you commemorate them. 

Share your D-Day hero’s story with pride; and help today’s heroes in their memory. Whether they served in 1944 or 2024, together we can make sure veterans don't suffer in silence. As a special thank you, everyone who makes a donation will receive a commemorative "My Hero" candle to help you remember your D-Day hero. 

Remember our D-Day Heroes

Sgt Major Tommy McIlveen

Pamela McIlveen (Daughter)

My Dad joined up in 1934 volunteering for the Parachute Regiment in 1942 and the 6th Airborne Div in 1943 He was dropped into Normandy with full pack weapon and ammunition on 6 June 1944 being part of the D Day Landings. The 6th Airborne marched 300 miles through Germany to meet the Allies fighting the remains of the German Military losing many of his comrades who were wounded and killed in action, many were school friends for whom he grieved for the rest of his life I am grateful he survived

Sgt Major Tommy McIlveen