OUR D-DAY HEROES: in memory of those who lost their lives, and those whose lives were changed forever

If your loved one played their part in the D-Day landings 80 years ago, or if you wish to pay tribute to the Greatest Generation, we are honoured to help you commemorate them. 

Share your D-Day hero’s story with pride; and help today’s heroes in their memory. Whether they served in 1944 or 2024, together we can make sure veterans don't suffer in silence. As a special thank you, everyone who makes a donation will receive a commemorative "My Hero" candle to help you remember your D-Day hero. 

Remember our D-Day Heroes

My uncle. Able Seaman C/JX 366994 Harold (Jack) Gee. Crew on LSI (L)111

M.Gee nephew

Immediately following the landings LSI (L)111 was ordered back in to pick up wounded troops from Sword beach. The LSI was hit twice, both above and below the waterline, and a number of injured men were then trapped in the Troop Hold. Harold, along with D/JX 394305 Evans, Thomas - AB & D/MX 81752B Jones, Emlyn - went down into the hold and rescued 12 men that were trapped, including having to perform amputations to release them. All three were awarded the DSM. He never spoke about that day.